Radik Shaimiev

Why Do Russian Oligarchs Call For Peace?

In a surprising turn of events, several Russian oligarchs have spoken out against the recent escalation of violence in the region. In an open letter to the President, these business leaders called for an end to the bloodshed and urged all parties to come to the negotiating table. 

This is a remarkable development, as most Russian oligarchs have been content to remain silent on political issues. So why have they chosen now to speak up?

Why Do Russian Oligarchs Call For Peace?

It’s no secret that the Russian oligarchs have a lot of power and influence. So when some of them start calling for peace, it’s worth paying attention.

There are several reasons why the oligarchs might want peace. 

  • First, they have a lot to lose if there is continued fighting. Their businesses and investments could be destroyed, and they could be forced to flee the country.
  • Second, they may believe that a peaceful resolution is in the best interests of Russia as a whole. The oligarchs are often more nationalistic than the average Russian, and they may believe that continued fighting will only lead to more damage and suffering.
  • Finally, the oligarchs may simply be tired of all the fighting. They may want to see a return to the days when they could focus on making money and enjoying their luxurious lifestyles.

Whatever the reasons, it’s clear that the oligarchs are an important voice in the debate over Russia’s future. And their calls for peace should not be ignored.

Friedman And Deripaska, Russian Oligarchs, Call For Peace

LONDON, 27 FEB. Mikhail Fridman and Oleg Deripaska, two Russian billionaires, called for an end to the crisis brought on by President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine, with Fridman describing it as a tragedy for the people of both nations.

In a letter to staff, billionaire Fridman who was born in western Ukraine said that the crisis was causing a gap between the historically kin eastern Slav peoples of Russia and Ukraine.

“I was born and raised in Western Ukraine until I was seventeen. My parents, who are nationals of Ukraine, reside in Lviv, my favorite city, “Fridman penned in a letter.

“However, I have also dedicated a large portion of my life to starting and expanding businesses as a Russian citizen. I have strong ties to the Russian and Ukrainian peoples and consider the ongoing conflict to be tragic for both of them.”

Oleg Deripaska, a Russian billionaire, urged the start of peace negotiations in a Telegram post.

The founder of the massive Russian aluminum corporation Rusal (RURAL.MM), in which he still holds shares through En+ Group, remarked, “Peace is very vital.” Deripaska.

Deripaska declared there wouldn’t be a conflict on February 21.

Due to their connections to Putin and the allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, which Moscow denies, Washington placed sanctions on Deripaska and other powerful Russians.

The so-called oligarchs of Russia, who formerly had a lot of sway over President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s, are currently experiencing economic catastrophe as a result of the West’s harsh sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.

Putin said that he ordered the special military operation after consulting his security council of senior officials to safeguard everybody, including Russian nationals, from “genocide” – an accusation the West labels unfounded propaganda.

Under the condition of anonymity, a second Russian billionaire claimed that the war would be disastrous.

The billionaire predicted that the scenario would be “catastrophic” in every way, including the political climate, the economy, and ties with other nations.

He claimed that when the millionaires convened on Thursday to meet with Putin in the Kremlin, they remained mute.

“Businessmen are extremely aware of the implications. But who is requesting business’s opinion on this?”

The Owner Of Telegram Says He’s Thinking About Ending Service In Russia And Ukraine

In a post published on Sunday on the messaging app Telegram, the platform’s billionaire founder Pavel Durov said he’s considering closing down the service in Russia and Ukraine. 

Users were advised by Durov to “doubt all information” shared on Telegram, and he hinted that he might soon launch the service entirely or in part in the two nations. 

The 112th richest person in the world, according to Forbes’ real-time billionaire tracker, is Durov, who is worth $17.2 billion.

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